In the sciences of human action, there must be an account of processes and phenomena which are lacking subjective meaning, for instance, machine it can be understood in terms of production. The method of sociology is considered ‘rationalistic’. The construction of a purely rational course of action is also called ideal type which has clarity and has no ambiguities. These reactions are called irrational, which grow out of them. The more we try to understand the meaning emotionally there emerges certain reactions such as that of anxiety, anger, ambition, envy, jealousy, love, pride etc.

There are values or ends in human action which cannot be understood completely but we can understand them intellectually. The interpretive understanding of meaning can be both rational that is more logical and mathematical and on the other hand, it can be emotionally emphatic. To understand the meaning of an individual action one can imagine the other actor’s feelings and can sympathetically participate in others experience. There is a very thin line between the meaningful action which has a subjective understanding and reactive behaviour. This kind of explanation helps us to distinguish the discipline of sociology and history from each other. There is no right or wrong meaning both kinds of meaning are correct. There can be two kinds of ‘meanings’ such as one refers to actual or the real existing meaning and the other refers to the theoretical pure type, where different actors have subjective meaning attached to it. In this way, the action is considered as social because it includes acting individuals, which have subjective behaviour (different individuals, different behaviour). Action can be both overt and covert that is both inward and outward. By action, we mean all human behaviour which is different for different human beings and is subjective. Sociology is defined as a science which gives us the interpretive understanding of social action in order to arrive at a causal explanation of its course and effects. It can formulate with what exactly is empirical sociology.ĭEFINITIONS OF SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL ACTION

The fundamental concepts of sociology: A concept can be different from reality. MAX WEBER: THE THEORY OF SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC ORGANISATION